The unemployed are entitled to receive other unemployment insurance benefits during the period of receiving unemployment insurance compensation. 失业人员在领取失业保险金期间,按照规定同时享受其他失业保险待遇。
Mr Buffett also invests premiums from his insurance businesses in the period before they have to be used to pay claims. 巴菲特还将其保险业务的保费在被用于支付索赔之前用于投资。
The insurance time limit that contract of company worth insurance agrees is1 year commonly, also can cast guarantee short-term a place difficult of access, after insurance period is full, can renew protect, but add is protected must do procedure additionally. 企业财产保险合同约定的保险期限一般为1年,也可以投保短期险,保险期满后,可以再续保,但续保须另办手续。
The insurance period can be for an long as we agree. 保险期限可以由我们商定。
Alleged cannot contradictory clause, be after showing insurance contract establishs period of time, the underwriter must not disobey important fact to inform with policy-holder reject to pay insurance gold or cancel insurance contract for obligation. 所谓不可抗辩条款,是指保险合同成立一段时间后,保险人不得以投保人违反重要事实告知义务为由拒绝给付保险金或取消保险合同。
On Agricultural Risk Evasion and Agricultural Insurance in the New Period 农业风险的规避与农业保险运行机制
Between insurance period once decide, the underwriter is in charge of compensation be between insurance period only inside the insurance accident that produce causes insurance symptom damage thereby the loss that insurant causes. 保险期间一旦确定,保险人只负责赔偿在保险期间内发生的保险事故造成保险标的的损害从而被保险人造成的损失。
That is to say, if insurance accident produced between insurance period, caused pair of insurance symptom damage, caused a loss to insurant, but if losing number is not large, did not exceed franchise, insurance company does not grant to compensate for. 也就是说,假如在保险期间发生了保险事故,造成了对保险标的的损害,给被保险人造成了损失,但假如损失的数额不大,没有超过免赔额,保险公司就不予赔偿。
The maximum length of each insured trip is30 days if insurance period is one year. 如保险期间为一年,每次承保旅程最长期限为30天。
Be in no matter insurance premium consign period, still get in annuities period, if insurant dies, safe the contract ends namely stop, the underwriter did not reimburse insurance premium or give the obligation that pays old-age pension. 不论在保险费交付期,还是在养老金领取期,如被保险人死亡,则保险合同即告终止,保险人没有退还保险费或给付养老金的义务。
Allow needy enterprise holding over five social insurance premiums as old-age pension, unemployment, health care, industrial injury and maternity insurance in a certain period. 允许困难企业在一定期限内缓缴养老、失业、医疗、工伤、生育保险五项社会保险费;
The time that insurance accident produces is not between insurance period inside, criterion the underwriter does not assume insurance responsibility. 保险事故发生的时间不在保险期间内,则保险人不承担保险责任。
Hidden debt is a problem hard to avoid during endowment insurance system changing period. 隐性债务是养老保险制度转轨时期难以避免的问题。我国选择挪用个人账户资金来解决隐性债务,从而导致个人账户的空账运行,这实际上是我国养老保险制度设计不合理所造成的。
Our country makes via the successful experience of exploring and summarizing of 10 few years that refers to some foreign countries to carry out endowment insurance for a long period since carrying out labor system reform in 1986 the system of endowment insurance that has Chinese characteristic. 我国自1986年实行劳动制度改革以来,经过十几年的探索和总结,并参照国外一些国家长期实行养老保险的成功经验,提出了具有中国特色的养老保险制度。
A Tentative Study into Social Insurance during the Period of the Republic of China 民国时期社会保险初探
At the end of the dissertation, it focuses on the relationship between the insurance rate, franchise and insurance valid period. With some practical examples, it points out some relevant suggestions and opinions for engineering insurance practice. 最后,论文讨论了工程保险费率与免赔额、保险期限之间的关系,结合工程保险实例,提出了工程保险实践中应注意的问题及建议。
It will also include research on some special applicable principles in export credit insurance, such as risk sharing, insurance fee, buyer's credit quota application, blanket insurance, indemnity waiting period, and claim persistence, etc. 对出口信用保险中适用的风险共担、保险费、买方信用限额申请、统保、赔款等待期、债权不放弃等特殊原则进行研究。
This paper analyzes from the angle of its operation cost the tendency and cause of changing on the economy cost of social retirement insurance during the transitional period prior to and after year 1997 and provides the major approach to maintain the retirement pension cost at an appropriate level. 本文从社会养老保险运行经济成本的角度,分析了我国1997年转制前后养老保险经济成本的变化趋势及主要原因,并给出了保持适度养老金经济成本的主要路径。
This study uses nonparametric Malmquist procedures to investigate productivity level and its dynamics change in Chinese insurance over the period 2000~ 2004.Malmquist Index can be decomposed into two components, which is technical progress and efficiency change. 本文运用非参数的Malmquist指数法,研究了2000-2004年中国保险业的生产率水平及其动态变化,把Malmquist指数分解为技术变化和效率变化两部分。
The insurance trade as well expands from marine business insurance in earlier period to whole area of the society. 保险业也由早期海上商业保险向社会生活的各个领域拓展。
War Insurance in the Period of the Anti-Japanese War 抗日战争时期的兵险业
Social insurance file storage period, from the date of the formation of 1 January the following year begins. 2. 社会保险业务档案的保管期限,自形成之日的次年1月1日开始计算。
These elements include the subject matter, the parties and relating people, the coverage, the insurance period, the premium, the indemnity and the insurance liability. 这些合同组成要素包括保险标的、保险当事人、保险承保范围、保险期间、保险费、保险金额、保险责任七个方面。
Life insurance companies in different period of development have different mode of development, thus in determining the development strategy must be based on the period of development in itself and the business model is based on. 寿险公司在不同的发展时期有着不同的发展模式,因而在确定发展战略时就必须以自身所处的发展时期和经营模式为依据。
Meeting insurance companies 'need of innovation and diversifying customers' choices of investment, investment-featured life insurance experienced a short period of prosperity in Chinese insurance market. 同时满足保险公司产品创新要求和消费者多样化需求的投资型寿险产品在中国市场上经历了短暂的繁荣后就几乎消失了踪迹。
Urban migrant workers of social insurance period of social transition in China at the present stage one of the problems faced by the outstanding. 城市外来务工人员的社会保险问题是我国现阶段社会转型时期面临的突出问题之一。
This section first from the insurance, the insurance period point of view, a new perspective on the housing after the completion of the Quality System to deliver a comprehensive analysis to explain the quality of the relationship between responsibility and insurance liability. 该部分首先从保险范围、保险期限角度,以全新的视角对住宅竣工交付后的质量责任体系进行了全面分析,阐述了质量责任与保险责任的关系。
, Life insurance is a kind of personal insurance that is marked with the life of insurance as insurance object, taking death or survival of insurant as insurance accident and giving a certain insurance payment according to the contract during the insurance period. 人寿保险,简称寿险,是以被保险人的生命作为保险标的,以被保险人的生存或死亡作为保险事故的一种保险形式。
In the present agricultural insurance pilot period, government subsidies should be aimed at improving the welfare of farmers, and stabling agricultural production. 在我国现阶段政策性农业保险试点中,政府补贴应该以提高农户福利、稳定农业生产为目标。
The insurance development in current period significantly promotes economic growth with the typical gradual and non-linear characteristics. 当期保险发展对同期经济增长具有显著的促进作用,这种促进作用呈现出明显的阶段性和非线性特征。